Virtual Safe is a small but useful application that allows you to encrypt files. The program uses the AES algorithm to transform the information making it unreadable to everyone. After installing the program you will be prompted to the administration password - this will be the only password required to encrypt or decrypt all the files, and the only one required when opening the Virtual Safe Graphic User Interface.
To encrypt files you have to add them to the Virtual Safe GUI. You can browse your computer for files by using the Encrypt option, or you can select a file and use the context menu, selecting the "Encrypt to Virtual Safe..." option from the Windows Explorer. The files which are encrypted cannot be opened with any other program until they are decrypted again with Virtual Safe.
To decrypt any file you have two options. You can do it from the Virtual Safe GUI by selecting the file from the list and using the Decrypt option, or you can select the file from the Windows Explorer and open the file. Encrypted files are automatically linked to Virtual Safe, so you just have to enter the password and these files will be decrypted.